Implicit Post.

Finding the complex in simple,
and the
simple in complex.

An Implicit Reflection

There’s a famous Indian parable where a king asked a man to gather people who had been blind from birth. The man was directed to show the blind, an elephant.

“To some of the blind people he showed the elephant’s head, saying, ‘This, blind people, is what an elephant is like.’

To some of them he showed the elephant’s ear, saying, ‘This, blind people, is what an elephant is like.’ To some of them, he showed the elephant’s tusk… the elephant’s trunk… the elephant’s body… the elephant’s foot… the elephant’s hindquarters… the elephant’s tail… the tuft at the end of the elephant’s tail, saying, ‘This, blind people, is what an elephant is like.’

The king asked the blind men if they had seen the elephant; all replied yes.

The king inquired: “Now tell me, blind people, what the elephant is like.”

The blind people who had been shown the elephant’s head said, ‘The elephant, your majesty, is just like a jar.’

Those who had been shown the elephant’s ear said, ‘The elephant, your majesty, is just like a winnowing basket.’

Those who had been shown the elephant’s tusk said, ‘The elephant, your majesty, is just like a plowshare.’

Those who had been shown the elephant’s trunk said, ‘The elephant, your majesty, is just like the pole of a plow.’

(Ud 6:4 Tittha Sutta | Sectarians)

And the list of verified descriptions went on…

This version of the Ancient Indian story is mentioned in Buddhist literature; it highlights the limits of subjective experience, shedding light on the striking difference of opinion on the same subject matter. They can be all wrong, or partially correct, depending on our current measure of optimism. But one can say for certain, that this story calls for a rethink, pushing the reader into an existential state of ‘What if’. What if I am wrong? Certainly, perspectives are nurtured by experiences, though the validity of those experiences determines the authenticity of the claims. Implicit post, in a nutshell, calls for a similar rethink that challenges not only the conclusion but also the structure of thought. In the case of the elephant analogy, is the disability the cause of incoherence or is it the man who filtered reality for those unable to conceive it on their own? For society is a similar complex; it is a leviathan that selects biased lenses for different sections.

The hyper-subjectivity and multipolarity of ideas have rendered mental blindness, creating a space opaque enough for the presumptions to justify what is known to the knower, notwithstanding its legitimacy, yet transparent enough to be skeptical about them occasionally. This occasion may be a moment in which one can re-evaluate ideas to find the complex in simple and the simple in complex, using Divinely endowed, or arguably naturally granted, logical faculties. This calls for a Cartesian Skepticism for an unbiased take on issues such as how deeply embedded a certain philosophy is in the cultural matrix of its time. Or the effects of interfering modern paradigms, isms, and thoughts on society, and if this is constructive in some sense. The dueling scientific quantity against Philosophical quality. No, it’s not going to be this boring, we are also going to talk about feminism, postmodernism, socialism, capitalism, nationalism, and much more.

This platform aims to present well-researched pieces on issues concerning humankind. Since each writeup may take months of research, accept our apology for, the relatively, prolonged waiting periods in advance, but we hope that your patience is rewarded. Similarly, we thank you in advance for what you are going to endure. Implicit post implicitly focuses on equipping the readers with systematic tools to protect their minds from errors in thinking. This is only possible through understanding the emotional affinity people of different cadres have for their ideology and the grievances they hold against others. The situation calls for lucidity in arguments, generosity in rhetoric, and infinite composure to cultivate tolerance.

Cross-fertilization of varied perspectives will help objectify the overly subjective reality of the present. Metacognition and self-actualization are only possible by knowing what can be known, and by exploring the limits of thought, if such limits exist. This may help readers to develop a hierarchy of ideas to cultivate what is true from the untrue, if not false. Implicit Post has no agenda, but it certainly has a direction. That is to criticize critiques and formulate new ideas through arguments presented with the art of eloquence, yet without compromising reason. It is, in a nutshell, a journey through principles like a pendulum bob tasting both extremes but yearning for an equilibrium. We invite you to be a part of our journey of exploring ideas.

Khuzaima Aftab

Can we transition from emotions to logic and then consciously emulsify ourselves into the realm of emotions? This may sound as if emotions are not a credible source of knowledge. But, it is otherwise. Emotions are but the highest form of certainty yet it too, like logic, needs scrutiny. But the Will to Passion adds mounting pressure on the rational faculties which, at times, can lead to incoherent conclusions. The Dilemma of finding the right mix of both, emotions and reason, is what calls for a thorough reexamination of issues surrounding us. let’s find the mix to understand when to pull the strings of logic and when to let them go in the pursuit of passion.

An Implicit glimpse

The Dialectic

The fusion of thesis and antithesis leads to an absolute reality, at least at that time. let us enroll ourselves on a journey to explore the implicit nuances of diametrically opposing thoughts that contribute to the truth.

The Dialectic

The Dialectic

The Dialectic

The fusion of thesis and antithesis leads to an absolute reality, at least at that time. let us enroll ourselves on a journey to explore the implicit nuances of diametrically opposing thoughts that contribute to the truth.


Let’s understand what the key terms that we use mean… to grasp the very core of the episteme of logos


Let’s understand what the key terms that we use mean… to grasp the very core of the episteme of logos

Implicit Post.

Finding the complex in simple,
and the
simple in complex.

Implicit Post.

Finding the complex in simple,
and the
simple in complex.